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The Tolerant Left: Michael Savage Attacked Outside Restaurant, Dog Kicked

How long can we permit them to keep getting away with this sort of stuff? There will come a day when the right wing goon squads will have no choice but to place these people into large shipping containers, and then sink them to the bottom of the ocean.

Meanwhile, right wing tards continue to get beat down -- across the nation.

Last night conservative talk show host, Michael Savage, was attacked by a 6'5 man outside a restaurant after eating dinner -- who also kicked Savage's dog -- because liberalism is a mental disorder.
Michael's attorney said they'll be pursuing felony charges.

"We're going to seek felony charges against the man and we're going to investigate this as a Hate Crime because of Michael's political views."

Here is Savage's account of the assault.

"I was leaving Servino's restaurant when a total stranger followed me out of the restaurant and confronted me. He said, 'Are you Michael Weiner?' I turned to him and sid, 'Go away, I don't know who you are. I turned to leave and he pushed me and I fell down. He moved toward me to pushed me down and he shoved my 10-pound poodle out of the way to get to me. He has lied and said I pushed him. That is absurd. Both of my hands were holding onto things!"

Savage and his dog are okay. Some websites said Savage incurred a bloody nose, but that has yet to be confirmed.
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