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Hysteria on the Left Over Russia Has Reached a Fevered Pitch

We first need to remember where this all started -- nearly a hundred years ago Trotsky was exiled from Russia; he packed his bags and headed for Mexico to start what is known today as the neocon movement. Their stated goal was to spread a brand of government via military means -- remaining in a state of revolution at all times. They are, essentially, communists masquerading as capitalists and they co-opted the republican party. Today, the children of the original neocons, like Bill Kristol, have hard-ons for Russia -- because it's in their blood. They can't help themselves.

Now the left were always fans of the Soviet Union -- because communism appealed to them. If you recall, Ted Kennedy actually reached out to the Russians in the 80's to broker a deal with them in exchange for their help in undermining Reagan. It failed and Reagan ended up being the best leader since JFK.

But ever since communism ended in Russia, the left have been very sore with them and have merged ideologies with the neocons to foment strife with them. Events transpiring in the Ukraine was the first excuse for these sleeper cells in our government to activate -- trying to lure Putin into an escalation. When Putin went into Syria, to defend his only deep water port in the Mediterranean and take out ISIS, who we armed and permitted to run wild about the region, we had Turkey shoot down their fighter jet followed by Secretary Kerry requesting that we send troops into Syria to support the 'rebels' -- who were/are terrorists.

When John Podesta's emails were released, it was a massive embarrassment to the DNC and Hillary Clinton. Rumors of a child-pedo ring were running rampant and weird things started to happen -- such as the death of Seth Rich. Following Trump's victory, this narrative that Russia somehow hacked Podesta's emails and then delivered them to Wikileaks was energized to the tenth degree by the mercenary media, neocons, and the left. They've been using this feeble and easy to disprove narrative to undermine President Trump -- because he represents everything the establishment hates. They're impugning the honor and integrity of a military giant, one with advanced nuclear weaponry -- because their childish behavior demands it.

Would you want your son drafted into a war to fight and die in Moscow because John "I don't need pizza now" Podesta's email box was hacked? Get the fuck out of here with these lunatics.

I clipped this from the Russian 'echo-chamber' Infowars -- who did a good job documenting some of the more outlandish statements made by the left -- regarding Russia. These are not the actions and words of stable people.

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