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Watch Live: President Trump And Israeli PM Netanyahu Joint Press Conference

Having confirmed earlier in his press conference with Israeli President Rivlin that 1) he did not say the word 'Israel' to the Russians, and 2) Iran are the bad guys (confirming the narrative from the Saudis the day before), President Trump is due to join Israeli PM Benjamin Netantahu shortly for a joint press conference...

Trump meets with President Rivlin at his residence for a bilat. Trump commended Rivlin's work, and the two discussed the "opportunity" for Israel and other countries in the Middle East to come together.

"This moment in history calls for us to strengthen our cooperation, as both Israel and America face common threats – from ISIS and other terrorist groups, to countries like Iran that sponsor terrorism and fund and foment terrible violence. Together, we can work to end the scourge of violence that has taken so many lives, here in Israel and around the world." — Donald Trump.

President Trump meets with Bibi in Jerusalem, where he criticizes the Iran deal as Netanyahu nods along. "We gave them wealth and prosperity... and an ability to continue with terror," said Trump. "Iran will never have a nuclear weapon. That I can tell you."

Trump also told Bibi that he "never mentioned the word or the name Israel" during his Oval Office meeting with top Russian officials. "They're all saying I did, so you have another story wrong."


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