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Catalan Separatist Leader: "Spain Leaves No Option But To Proclaim New Republic"

Update: Just hours after Puigdemont snubbed Madrid, canceling his visit to The Senate to discuss their imposition of Article 155, Catalan Deputy First Minister Oriol Junqueras told AP that the Spanish government had left Catalonia “no other option” but to proclaim a new republic.

Mr. Junqueras told the AP he was commenting as leader of his party, Republican Catalan Left, not as a member of the regional government.

Additionally, Puigdemont posted a defiant Instagram message: "We will not lose time with those who have already decided to crush Catalan self-government. Onwards!"

The situation is escalating quickly.

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As we detailed earlier, in a sudden, and perhaps ominous, last minute change, the First Minister of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, will now not travel to Madrid on Thursday evening to appear before the Senate, and has brought forward the Catalan Parliament plenary session to vote on a response to Madrid's application of Article 155.

Just hours after a PP spokesman confirmed that elections are no longer enough to stop Article 155 process to suspend home rule in Catalonia, El Pais reports, Catalan president Carles Puigdemont won’t appear before the Senate Thursday, citing unidentified people in PDeCAT party in the Congress.

The Catalan Parliament plenary session is now to start Thursday, and will vote response to application of article 155 of the Spanish constitution.

Bloomberg also reports that Catalan Separatists tell supporters that "the moment has come," to "defend the republic."