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Israel's New "Soros Bill" Aims To Stop Funds From 'Anti-Semitic' Donors

Having made no friends this week with his McCarthyite 'blacklist' of potential Russia-sympathizers, and facing bans and probes throughout eastern Europe (for his 'Open Society' actions), bilionaire investor George Soros has a new enemy - Isarel!

As Haaretz' Jonathan Lis reports, MK Miki Zohar (Likud) announced on Monday that he planned to submit a bill that would make it harder for leftist organizations to receive funding from organizations considered hostile to Israel.

He said the bill, named for mogul George Soros, won the approval of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (but, associates of Netanyahu couldn’t say on Monday whether the prime minister would support the proposed law in the Knesset).


Its exact wording has yet to be disclosed.


Zohar said the bill would prevent “donors who are anti-Semites, inciters or hostile to Israel” from donating to Israeli organizations.


Zohar said he was aiming at donors like Soros who donate to organizations like Adalah – the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, B’tselem, Breaking the Silence, Ir Amim, Machsom Watch, Yesh Din and the New Israel Fund, which he said were all anti-Zionist.


He said such donors should be considered anti-Semitic, inflammatory and hostile, and donations from them to non-profits or Israeli corporations should be forbidden.


According to the bill, the Strategic Affairs Ministry will compile and periodically update a list of bodies and organizations that are hostile to Israel or are defined as anti-Semitic.

The actions of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban and now the Israeli government appear to be escalating since Soros donated $18 billion his 'Open Society' Foundation.