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Al Franken To Make An Announcement Tomorrow After 11 Democratic Senators Demand Resignation

Update: 11 Senate Democrats and DNC Chair Tom Perez have now demanded Franken's resignation and his office says in a brief e-mailed statement, Sen. Al Franken will make an announcement tomorrow, without further detail on what the announcement would be.

  • Sen. Gillibrand
  • Sen. Hirono
  • Sen. McCaskill
  • Sen. Hassan
  • Sen. Harris
  • Sen. Murray
  • Sen. Baldwin
  • Sen. Casey
  • Sen. Donnelly
  • Sen. Brown
  • Sen. Stabenow

*  *  *

As we detailed earlier, following reports of more sexual misconduct allegations, Senator Al Franken is facing a revolt among his female Senate 'collegaues' as seven female senators are demanding his resignation... "let someone else serve!"

Despite his apology and genuflection, further allegation shave appeared and that appears to have been the tipping point for Franken's peers.

As Bloomberg reports, within minutes of each other, seven female senators - Senators Patty Murray of Washington, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii,  Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, Kamala Harris of California, and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconisn - and three males (Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Joe Donnelly of Indiana) posted messages on Facebook and Twitter saying Franken of Minnesota must resign.

We suspect in the interst of virtue-signaling that every female Democratic Senator will quickly pile on.

"I consider Senator Franken to be a friend and have enjoyed working with him in the Senate in our shared fight to help American families," Gillibrand wrote on Facebook.


"I have been shocked and disappointed to learn over the last few weeks that a colleague I am fond of personally has engaged in behavior towards women that is unacceptable,"


"While Senator Franken is entitled to have the Ethics Committee conclude its review, I believe it would be better for our country if he sent a clear message that any kind of mistreatment of women in our society isn’t acceptable by stepping aside to let someone else serve."

"Sexual harassment and misconduct should not be allowed by anyone and should not occur anywhere. I believe the best thing for Senator Franken to do is step down," Harris said in her statement.

Franken has been accused by multiple women of sexual misconduct.