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Peter Schiff Warns Of "Too Big To Pop" Bubble - "Everybody Is Going To Get Wiped Out!"

via Greg Hunter's,

Money manager Peter Schiff correctly predicted the financial meltdown in 2008.

Now, 10 years later, what does Schiff see today?  Schiff says,

“I predicted a lot more than just the stock market going down back then.  I predicted the financial crisis, but more importantly, I predicted what the government would do as a result of the financial crisis and what the consequences of that would be because that’s where we’re headed. 


The real crash I wrote about in my most recent book is still coming...


This is the third gigantic bubble that the Fed has inflated, and when this one pops, it’s not going to be ‘the third time is a charm.’  It’s going to be ‘three strikes and you’re out.’ 


I think this bubble is too big to pop.  I think it’s the mother of all bubbles, and when it bursts, there is not a bigger one that the Fed is going to be able to inflate to mask these problems, meaning we can’t kick the can down the road anymore.”

This time, the crisis is going to hit everyone in the wallet. Schiff goes on to say,

“I think the problem we are going to be confronted with is going to be much worse than a financial crisis.  It is going to be a dollar crisis, and it is going to be a sovereign debt crisis where the bonds people are worried about are not some sub-prime mortgages...


It’s going to be the U.S. government that people are worried about and the solvency of the U.S. government and the Treasury bonds.  If it’s a dollar crisis and people are worried about the dollar, the only thing worse than owning a dollar today is owning the promise of being paid in dollars in the future. 


I don’t think we have the courage to default and admit to our creditors that we don’t have the money and we can’t repay.  I think we will create all the money that we need so we can pretend to repay, but what we end up doing is wiping out the debt with inflation.

So, how long can it go on? Schiff says,

“How high can the debt go?  I don’t know and you don’t know...


How many straws can you put on a camel’s back?  You don’t know until you put that final straw that’s one too many and you break his back.  So, can we go to $25 trillion in debt?  Maybe.  At some point, we are going to break the back of the camel with all this debt.  Then we are going to find out how much debt we can pile on, and it’s not going to be pretty. 


Everybody is going to lose.  Everybody is going to get wiped out who has been partying in the stock market, the bond market and the real estate market.  The dollar is going to tank, and purchasing power is going to get wiped out.”

Inversely, Schiff says it is the same with the suppressed gold and silver markets. Schiff contends,

“They can’t keep doing it, and it will end.  It’s just like how much debt can we take on.  It’s not an unlimited amount.  We will know when we get there. 


How long can they keep the price of gold suppressed?  We will know when we get there.  At some point, the price is going to explode because there is real physical buying, and all that paper selling can’t camouflage that...


People don’t trust fiat currencies . . . . More and more people are looking for alternatives, and the real alternative is gold.  When they embrace it, it’s going to overwhelm central banks’ ability to suppress the price.  In the meantime, enjoy the gift that they are giving.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with money manager and financial expert Peter Schiff, founder of Euro Pacific Capital...

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