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The Fertilizer Market: 4 Things Investors Need to Know in 2023

Written By Tessa Di Grandi

Published April 13, 2023

Updated April 12, 2023

The following content is sponsored by Brazil Potash

4 Things Investors Need to Know About the Fertilizer Market in 2023

Food security is of crucial importance many reasons—from ensuring both political and social stability, to supporting the health of the global economy.

You may be surprised to learn that fertilizer plays a crucial role in food security by enhancing the quantity and quality of harvests. In short, fertilizers can make food more affordable and accessible.

The above infographic sponsored by Brazil Potash digs into four major trends currently impacting the demand of fertilizer. Let’s break them down here.

1. Feeding 10 Billion People by 2050

The world’s population is increasing rapidly and is expected to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050. This growth is particularly strong in developing countries where food security is already strained.

As the population grows, more crops are needed to support global food systems. Increasing crop production is essential and the fertilizer market is a critical ingredient in improving crop yields.

2. Less Farmland

After around 10,000 to 12,000 years of reshaping land for agriculture, the amount of arable land on earth is declining.

Based on the agricultural expansion predicted to take place between 2010 and 2050, an estimated 593 million hectares of agricultural land—nearly twice the size of India—will be needed.

With little room left to grow, fertilizers will take on an increasingly critical role in boosting crop production.

3. The World Needs More Fertilizer

The global fertilizer market was valued at $163.2 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $203.5 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 3.9% during period of 2022-2027.

As population growth continues to drive demand for increased crop production, investment in fertilizer production is essential to meet this growing demand.

4. The Global Fertilizer Supply Chain

Supply chain disruptions in the fertilizer market puts global food security at risk.

Farmers’ ability to access a consistent and affordable fertilizer supply directly affects crop yields, production, and food prices. 

Increasing the supply of domestically produced fertilizer in countries heavily reliant on imports will support low-cost, sustainable, in-market fertilizer for farmers who need it.

Let’s break down the top five fertilizer-exporting countries based on value, according to Statista.

Country Value of Fertilizer Exports, 2021
Russia $12.49B
China $11.47B
Canada $6.61B
Morocco $5.71B
United States $4.05B

On the other hand, here are the top five fertilizer-importing countries, based on value from the same source.

Country Value of Fertilizer Imports, 2021
Brazil $15.16B
United States $10.29B
India $9.12B
France $2.8B
China $2.77B

Russia currently dominates the fertilizer market as the largest exporter based on dollar value at approximately $12.49 billion dollars, while Brazil is the largest importer of fertilizer based on an import value of approximately $15.2 billion dollars.

Investing in Brazil

Large agricultural producers that rely heavily on fertilizer imports, such as Brazil, would benefit from a local supply that farmers can easily and affordably access to improve crop production.

Fertilizer company Brazil Potash is engaged in the extraction and processing of local potash ore to increase yields and strengthen crop growth in Brazil.

Interested in learning more? Click here to learn about how you can invest in the fertilizer market with Brazil Potash.

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Related Topics: #Investor #Brazil #market #fertilizer #supply chain #food security #global population #Brazil Potash #potash #farmland #agriculture

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