Icelanders under the age of 25 don’t believe that God had a hand in creating the world, according to a new poll. The poll carried out on behalf of Icelandic atheists suggests that Icelanders under the age of 25 don’t believe in God. It suggests that the vast majority of the under 25’s in Iceland already know how the world came into being, with the remainder owning up honestly to the fact that they don’t know much about heavenly matters. The poll suggests that not a single Icelandic young adult believes in god, and that over 90 per cent of the under 25’s believe in the big bang theory of the universe. The church does not dispute strong scientific theories such as the big bang that suggests the universe came into being instantaneously 13.7 billion years ago, but says that it was done by the grace of god. The Independent reports: The poll, commissioned by the Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association, claims that 93.9 per cent in the under 25 category responded that the universe was created by the Big Bang. Just over 6 per cent responded with ‘don’t know’ or ‘other’. None of the respondents, however, believed that the universe had been created by God. [...]