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GMO Scientists Admit To Intentionally Polluting DNA Of Animals

GMO scientists are now openly talking about deliberately modifying the DNA of wild animals in order to suit human ends, saying that “genetic pollution” is a desired goal, rather than a risk.  Successful laboratory tests have confirmed the ability to perform a GE technique known as “Crispr-Cas9″ – allowing scientists to alter genes in a cell and replace it with a gene of their choice, creating a hybrid animal as a result. reports: Scientists laud the potential of gene drives to eradicate insect-borne diseases, remove herbicide resistance from weeds (which of course developed this resistance due to overuse of Roundup on GE crops) and “control” invasive species. Already, scientists are testing techniques to make mosquitoes resistant to the malaria parasite or – apparently having learned nothing from the ecological catastrophes caused by wildlife policies of the 19th century – render them sterile, thus driving the entire wild population extinct. These scientists claim to be very aware of the risks of this technology, although they have made it clear that they are talking about the risks only to appease the public and gain its support for these dangerous experiments on nature. Writing in the journal Science about ways to prevent the [...]