A man from Zimbabwe stabbed a Moroccan diplomat 42 times in an uncontrollable frenzied attack after waking up in the envoy’s bed. Nigel Kahari was not sure what transpired between himself and his victim while sleeping in the same bed but assumes that they might have had sex. Kahari testified in a South African court that his leader Robert Mugabe regarded gay people as “worse than pigs and dogs” and being gay is punishable by law in Zimbabwe and does not accord with biblical views. The Zimbabwean reports: Nigel Kahari, 21, testified that where he grew up in Zimbabwe he was taught to hate gay people. Being gay is punishable by law, unacceptable and against prevailing Biblical views. Kahari was earlier convicted of murdering Noureddine while visiting him at the Waterkloof guesthouse. The High Court in Pretoria was due to sentence him on Friday. He admitted that he stabbed Noureddine on October 6, 2014, and conceded it was “overkill”. Kahari told the court on Wednesday that he acknowledged that he was wrong. “I repent my actions,” he said. A social worker who compiled a pre-sentencing report said Kahari was not entirely truthful about that night – there were many unanswered questions. [...]