In Honor Of "The Big Short", Here Is Michael Burry's Historic Commencement Speech

On the day after one of America's greatest for over-consumption, a few moments of quiet reflection on the state of our world seemed appropriate. With the launch of "The Big Short" movie (assuredly infuriating many Americans with its "dangerous for the establishment" expose of the greed, stupidity, hubris, and arrogance of Wall Street bankers gone wild), Dr. Michael Burry's infamous UCLA commencement speech has much to offer .

Mainstream Media Admit That Fluoride In Water ‘Causes Cancer’

The mainstream media and prominent health experts have spoken out against the dangers of adding fluoride to drinking water, claiming that it causes bone cancer.  The Daily Mail reported that fluoride added to the UK drinking supply causes serious consequences such as bone and bladder cancers, as well as lower IQs in the general population.
