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Paradise Papers: Massive New Leak Exposes Tax-Haven Secrets, Links Wilbur Ross To Russia

Paradise Papers: Massive New Leak Exposes Tax-Haven Secrets, Links Wilbur Ross To Russia

Update: A Commerce spokesman told Fox News that Ross was not involved with Navigator’s decision to engage in business with Sibur, a publicly traded company, which was not under sanction at the time and is not currently. The spokesman also said Ross, the Trump administration’s point man on trade and manufacturing policy, “never met” Shamalov, and generally has supported the Trump administration’s sanctions against Russia, while recusing himself from matters focused on transoceanic shipping vessels.

Ebola Spreading: Infections Up 800% In Last Week, Officials Race To Track Down 400 Possible Contacts

Ebola Spreading: Infections Up 800% In Last Week, Officials Race To Track Down 400 Possible Contacts

Authored by Mac Slavco via,

Last week three suspected Ebola infections were detected in a remote region of the Congo. Since then, World Health Organization officials have been scrambling to contain the virus.

Their efforts appear to have failed.

The contagion continues to spread, and though it’s nowhere near the 11,000 people who were infected during the outbreak in 2014, the infection rate has spiked over 800% in just the last seven days, with at least nine new cases reported in the last 24 hours:

Christian Malanga: New Government Could Free the Congo and Provide Vast Opportunity for Investors

Christian Malanga: New Government Could Free the Congo and Provide Vast Opportunity for Investors

Via The Daily Bell

When he ran as an opposition candidate for parliament in 2011, Christian Malanga, President of the United Congolese Party, was arrested just days before the election, and held prisoner for almost two weeks. Why?

Because I was preaching what was right, rule of law, reforming government, and bringing change to the Congo. It was the principles I believed in, and what I said, that the people are starving. I was trying to empower the women and young men, the youth, and the authority did not like that, they want people to be kept in the dark.

Poaching Has Left Congo Giraffes Close To Extinction

The poaching crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is not only affecting elephants. The giraffe population has now plunged to only 38, putting the species at immediate risk of extinction there, new surveys have revealed. Sadly, giraffes in the Congo are not alone. Poaching has become a major problem for the animals wherever they are living. Their numbers throughout Africa have dropped by more than 40 percent over the past 15 years. The entire subspecies is at risk of extinction.