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North Dakota

Live Feed: Riot Police And Humvees Move In To Remove Last Remaining Standing Rock Protesters

Yesterday we noted that, after nearly a year of continuous protests, eviction day had finally come for the last remaining members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota. 

That said, and quite unsurprisingly we might add, a number of Standing Rock protesters apparently decided that the North Dakota Governor's eviction notice, which went in effect yesterday at 2pm, was merely a suggestion and overstayed their welcome on federal lands.  As such, riot police and Humvees have now been called in to facilitate their immediate departure.

North Dakota Governor Signs Executive Order Evicting Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters

North Dakota Governor Signs Executive Order Evicting Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters

After nearly a year since the first protest camp sprung up in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline, it looks as if the Governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, has finally had enough and has signed an executive order demanding that protesters evacuate by February 22nd.


Donald Trump Picks Rick Perry For Energy Secretary

Donald Trump has selected former Texas governor Rick Perry as his nominee for secretary of energy according to multiple transition sources. Rick Perry is a board member for Energy Transfer Partners the oil company who have stated they will continue to pushing on with construction of the controversial North Dakota Access Pipeline. Press TV reports: The two men made the decision during their meeting on Monday evening at Trump Tower in New York City, sources told Fox News on Tuesday.

As Dakota Celebrates, Trump Advisors Propose Privatizing Oil-Rich Indian Reservations

With celebrations continuing at the site of the Dakota Access Pipeline protest (following the "Monumental victory" following the Obama administration's decision not to grant the construction permit), it appears the Trump administration has very different ideas.

Having confirmed Trump's support for the pipeline (not to do with his investments), Reuters reports a Trump advisory group proposes the politically explosive idea of putting oil-rich Indian reservation lands into provate ownership.

Trump Team Confirms Dakota Access Support Has "Nothing To Do With Personal Investments" In Pipeline Builder

Trump Team Confirms Dakota Access Support Has "Nothing To Do With Personal Investments" In Pipeline Builder

'Winter is coming' in North Dakota but as over 2000 veterans arrive to provide a human shield for the 'water protestors', president-elect Donald Trump said for the first time that he supports completion of the pipeline project near a North Dakota Indian reservation. Reassuringly his team confirmed that his support "has nothing to do with his personal investments" in Energy Transfer Partners - the company building the pipeline.

