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North Dakota

Hundreds Of Veterans Heading To Standing Rock To Defend DAPL Protesters From Police

Submitted by Carey Wedler via,

As protesters continue to stand against the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, facing off against heavily militarized police and their water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, and tasers, they have gained broad support. Celebrities and millions of social media users have raised awareness about the situation in North Dakota, and now, the “water protectors” have earned support from another group: veterans.

"It Feels Like A Warzone": 400 North Dakota Pipeline Protesters Clash With Police; 167 Injured

"It Feels Like A Warzone":  400 North Dakota Pipeline Protesters Clash With Police; 167 Injured

In the latest in a series of protests against the North Dakota oil pipeline project, overnight an estimated 400 protesters clashed with police who fired tear gas at the scene of a similar confrontation last month. The protesters mounted the Backwater Bridge and attempted to force their way past police in what the Morton County Sheriff's Department initially described as an "ongoing riot." Protesters say the pipeline threatens water resources and sacred tribal lands.

It's About To Get Crazy Again - North Dakota Official Exalts Oil Boom "Is Coming Back With A Rush"

Great News!! As reports, North Dakota's top oil regulator sent out a message the other day to the leaders of Williston: Get Ready. "This is going to come back pretty hard and pretty rapidly," Helms said told members of Williston’s Chamber of Commerce. "And we'll be back running to stay ahead of it." You can smell the desperate hope in his rhetoric...
