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Republican presidential primaries

Hillary Clinton Lied, Paid For "Trump Dossier"

Hillary Clinton Lied, Paid For "Trump Dossier"

What was previously widely suspected has now been confirmed. In its latest bombshell report that - for once - doesn’t include some nefarious allegations of wrongdoing or incompetence involving President Donald Trump or members of his administration, the Washington Post reported Tuesday that the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign jointly financed the creation of the infamous “Trump dossier," which helped inspire the launch of the floundering investigations into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.

Taxation Is Theft

Taxation Is Theft

It’s a double-whammy for the U.S. taxpayer. Bloomberg notes that not only are many Americans writing yet another check to Uncle Sam this tax season, they’re also paying more to have someone handle their returns. The Labor Department’s consumer-price index for tax return preparation rose 2.4 percent, the third-biggest monthly gain ever, to a record in March.

Trump Meets With Henry Kissinger To Develop Foreign Policy

United States President-elect Donald Trump has met with controversial foreign policy guru Henry Kissinger in New York to discuss “events and issues around the world.” Henry Kissinger helped shape America’s foreign policy during the cold war and the era of communist expansion around the globe. Because of Kissinger there have been many wars and deaths around the world, principally in Southeast China and South America, all in the name of defending national security and fighting communism. Some people hate him for shaping global events.