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Pew Research Center Says EU Muslim Population Could Triple By 2050

Pew Research Center Says EU Muslim Population Could Triple By 2050

Over the past couple of years, Europe has experienced a record influx of asylum seekers fleeing conflicts in Syria and other predominantly Muslim countries. Not surprisingly, the massive wave of Muslim migrants has become a political hot topic, particularly in countries like Germany, U.K., France, Italy and Sweden which have taken in a combined total of nearly 3 million migrants over just the past couple of years.  Per the Pew Research Center (PRC):

"For The Sake Of Allah": Swedish Radio Station Hijacked To Play ISIS Recruiting Song

"For The Sake Of Allah": Swedish Radio Station Hijacked To Play ISIS Recruiting Song

Earlier this year, President Trump took a beating in the mainstream media for blasting Europe's, and more specifically Sweden's, disastrous immigration policies...