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Central Intelligence Agency

CIA: Hundreds Of Agents Routinely Create ‘Fake News’

The CIA admitted as far back as 1975 that they routinely use agents to create “fake news” in order to influence the general public and manipulate the thoughts and values of Americans. The CIA Director admitted to the U.S. Senate that over 400 agents gave the corporate owned media “made-up stories”, including fake news about the assassination of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King.

Defense Department Launches Probe Of Petraeus Sex Scandal Leaks

Defense Department Launches Probe Of Petraeus Sex Scandal Leaks

As reported earlier today, in what may be a tiebreaker option for Secretary of State in Trump's administration with both Romney and Giuliani seemingly unable to get enough internal support to make it over the hurdle, the president elect met with David Petraeus, a former U.S. military commander in Iraq whose sharing of classified information with his biographer mistress, led to his resignation as CIA chief in 2012, to evaluate him for the top diplomatic position in the US government.

Meet The Real "Fake News"

Meet The Real "Fake News"

In its attempt to redirect the public's attention from its historic failure to deliver unbiased, objective, factual reporting in the context of the presidential election in which virtually every single mainstream media outlet was revealed (courtesy of the hacked Podesta emails) and acted as a Public Relations arm for the Clinton campaign, said media has opened a new can of worms by ushering in the topic of "fake news" - a purposefully vague, undefined term meant to deflect and scapegoat by "exposing" propaganda websites, which in the latest incarnation of the narrative, are now allegedly se

Fear And Loathing Inside The Deep State

Fear And Loathing Inside The Deep State

Submitted by Larchmonter445 via The Saker,

Everyone in the Deep State is threatened by the Trump Presidency. The Deep State understands that power, funding, ideological stratagems and domination of government, media, academia, think tanks and NGOs are in the ‘field of fight’, to use the book title by a prime target the Deep State intends to destroy in order to save itself from Trump.

Lt. General (ret.) Michael T. Flynn

Donald Trump Wants To Dismantle Top Spy Agency & Re-Reform CIA

Following the resignation of James Clapper on Thursday, Donald Trump‘s national security team propose eliminating the Director of National Intelligence office (ODNI) altogether and undoing recent CIA reforms. Disassembling the office would go against one of the 9/11 Commission’s key recommendations. On Friday Trump announced that Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo and Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions were his picks to serve in the posts as CIA director and US Attorney General, respectively. Retired Army Lieutenant Gen. Michael Flynn would be appointed National Security Advisor.
