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New York

The Democratic Party Now Belongs to Hillary Clinton

For all intents and purposes, Hillary Clinton clinched the Democratic presidential nomination yesterday with a resounding double-digit win over Bernie Sanders in New York’s primary. From here on, the upcoming Democratic contests will have the air of a coronation procession for Clinton, and a death march for Sanders. The septuagenarian may continue to gripe about superdelegates, but his 280,000-vote loss in New York was a reminder that not everyone was feeling the Bern.

Chaotic New York Primaries As Thousands Claim Election Fraud

Voters have described scenes of complete chaos during Tuesday’s New York primaries, as people report being turned away from closed polling stations, and broken machines not allowing them to cast their vote. In Brooklyn residents at PS 73 in  Bushwick reported that despite waiting in line since 6 a.m. in the morning workers told them that they couldn’t access the keys to the facility and informed them they should go home. “You can’t vote nor cast any type of ballot. They (the keys to the building) are in a locked box and no one has the key,” voter Torsha Childs wrote on Facebook.
