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Obama Succumbs To Saudi Pressure, Will Veto Sept 11 Lawsuit Bill

Obama Succumbs To Saudi Pressure, Will Veto Sept 11 Lawsuit Bill

Following Saudi threats to destabilize the financial system if the US were to enact a Bill that would allow an investigation into Saudi Arabia's support of September 11 terrorist attacks, many were watching closely how Obama would react. The president made it clear last night when as CNN reports, the White House threatened to veto the bipartisan bill to let families victimized by the 9/11 terrorist attacks sue Saudi Arabia while a GOP senator privately sought to block the measure.

Multiple Clinton Connections Emerge As More "Panama Papers" Names Revealed

There has been much confusion, at time quite angry, how in the aftermath of the Soros-funded Panama Papers revelations few, if any, prominent U.S. name emerged as a result of the biggest offshore tax leak in history. Now, thanks to McClatchy more U.S. names are finally being revealed and it will probably come as little surprise that many of the newly revealed names have connection to both Bill and Hillary Clinton.

California Gov. Signs Minimum Wage Hike: Admits It "Doesn’t Make Economic Sense" As Locals Flee For Texas

California Gov. Signs Minimum Wage Hike: Admits It "Doesn’t Make Economic Sense" As Locals Flee For Texas

As we discussed previously states such as California are saying to hell with economics in their efforts to appease their voting base. Yesterday, both New York and California signed legislation to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. New York will phase in the $6 an hour increase over three years, and California will phase in their $5 an hour increase over the next six years.
