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McCain: Russia is a Bigger Threat Than ISIS; Comey Investigated Clinton Over 'Fake News'

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Writing about McCain is like writing about Maxine Waters. Both are disconnected from reality, crooked as the day is long. Both have an agenda that runs counter to the goals of ordinary American plebs. In this case, McCain clearly has an agenda in the Ukraine. He panders to them and uses their internal struggles vs Moscow to foment anti-Russian rhetoric in the United States.

How many US marines have the Russians killed over the past 10 years?

Biden 2020: Former VP Continues To Fuel Speculation Of Presidential Ambitions

Biden 2020: Former VP Continues To Fuel Speculation Of Presidential Ambitions

Last week at the SALT conference in Las Vegas, Joe Biden sent some mixed messages about a potential 2020 presidential run.  First, he took a shot at Hillary saying she "was never a great candidate" though he followed that up by adding that she "would have been a really good president"...which makes perfectly good sense.  Then Biden went on to talk about how he has no intentions of running in 2020 just before confirming that he "may very well do it."

President Trump Calls DNC Chair Race ‘Totally Rigged’

President Trump blasted the DNC Chair race as “totally rigged” on Sunday, claiming that Hillary Clinton and her goons still run the Democrat party. In a scathing tweet, Trump claimed that the newly elected DNC chair, Tom Perez, was chosen by Hillary Clinton because of his anti-Bernie Sanders agenda. Sanders backed failed chair hopeful Keith Ellison, who also had strong support from big names in the party such as Chuck Schumer and New York Myor Bill De Blasio. Despite this, however, Clinton’s favourite ,Tom Perez, was declared the winner against all the odds.
