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presidential primary

Stephen Colbert Examines Donald Trump

Stephen Colbert looks at Republican candidate Donald Trump’s recent loss in Tuesday’s Wisconsin presidential primary and his reluctance to talk about real issues. Business Insider reports: The “Late Show” host called Trump’s loss in the Badger State a “huge upset, because even if you voted for Ted Cruz you’re still pretty upset about it.” So why did the real-estate mogul lose? Colbert joked that “analysts say Trump lost because of ‘things he said and done.'” That’s broad.

Why Trump Is Losing Wisconsin

Wisconsin Republican voters go to the polls for their presidential primary today, and Trump seems certain to lose the state to Cruz. Nate Cohn explains why Trump is having so much trouble in the Badger State:

But his problem in Wisconsin is mainly about the state’s demographics, not self-inflicted wounds. Even a 10-percentage-point loss there wouldn’t necessarily indicate any shift against him.

The state has always looked as if it would be one of Mr. Trump’s worst. This was true even before the primaries began.

Did Trump Just Commit A Major Error: Why Renouncing Republican Pledge Could Cost Him 50 Delegates

As of this moment, Donald Trump has 736 delegates and is (mostly) smoothly sailing to the nomination with Ted Cruz almost 273 behind him at 463. However, there is suddenly an all too real chance that 273 lead can melt to as little as 173 with Trump's delegate count dropping by 50 as a result of what happened during this week's CNN townhall meeting when as previously reported, Trump reneged on his pledge to support the GOP candidate. The reason is that by doing so, he may have jeopardized his hold on South Carolina’s 50 delegates.
