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World's Third Largest Shipbuilder Crashes 29% Amid Asian Equity Carnage

World's Third Largest Shipbuilder Crashes 29% Amid Asian Equity Carnage

Shares in Samsung Heavy, the world’s third largest shipbuilder, plunged by 29% during Wednesday’s trading session after unexpectedly forecasting operating losses this year and 2018 and announcing a capital raise. Meanwhile, Asian equities tumbled, led by technology, mining and industrial companies, with the MSCI Asia Pacific Index falling for eight straight days, its longest run of down days since 2015.

Chinese Stocks Plunge Below Key Support, Global Tech Wreck Escalates

Chinese Stocks Plunge Below Key Support, Global Tech Wreck Escalates

Asia's 'FANG' stocks are tumbling once again as the global tech wreck continues to escalate (TATS down 10% from highs).

Taiwan Semi, Alibaba, Tencent, and Samsung (TATS) are down 7 days in a row and over 10% - the biggest such drop on record...


While Chinese bonds are holding back from their 4.00% yield line of doom, Chinese stocks are tumbling with the benchmark Shanghai Composite breaking below key support to 4-month lows.


Russia, China, India Unveil New Gold Trading Network

Russia, China, India Unveil New Gold Trading Network

Submitted by Ronan Manly,

One of the most notable events in Russia’s precious metals market calendar is the annual “Russian Bullion Market” conference. Formerly known as the Russian Bullion Awards, this conference, now in its 10th year, took place this year on Friday 24 November in Moscow. Among the speakers lined up, the most notable inclusion was probably Sergey Shvetsov, First Deputy Chairman of Russia’s central bank, the Bank of Russia.

Russia, China and BRICS: A New Gold Trading Network

Russia, China and BRICS: A New Gold Trading Network

Submitted by Ronan Manly,

One of the most notable events in Russia’s precious metals market calendar is the annual “Russian Bullion Market” conference. Formerly known as the Russian Bullion Awards, this conference, now in its 10th year, took place this year on Friday 24 November in Moscow. Among the speakers lined up, the most notable inclusion was probably Sergey Shvetsov, First Deputy Chairman of Russia’s central bank, the Bank of Russia.
