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Trump administration

White House Blackballs CNN; Refuses To Send Surrogates On "Fake News" Network

Well, it's official...according to a note from Politico, the White House has confirmed that surrogates of the Trump administration will no longer appear on CNN and will instead go to "places where we think it makes sense to promote our agenda."  

“We’re sending surrogates to places where we think it makes sense to promote our agenda,” said a White House official, acknowledging that CNN is not such a place, but adding that the ban is not permanent.


Leaked Executive Order Reveals Trump Crackdown On Immigrant Welfare

Leaked Executive Order Reveals Trump Crackdown On Immigrant Welfare

Seemingly following the proposals of Bill Clinton (and Ron Paul), The Washington Post reports that a leaked document shows the Trump administration is planning to crackdown on current, and would-be, immigrants who are likely to require public assistance.

After Bill Clinton received a standing ovation for suggesting crackdown on immigrant welfare...

"We are a nation of immigrants.. but we are a nation of laws"


The European Trade Wars Begin: Trump Trade Advisor Accuses Germany Of Using "Grossly Undervalued" Euro

The European Trade Wars Begin: Trump Trade Advisor Accuses Germany Of Using "Grossly Undervalued" Euro

The Trump administration just fired the first shot in the US-European currency, and thus trade, wars when Trump's top trade advisor Peter Navarro accused Germany of using a “grossly undervalued” euro to "exploit the US and its EU partners", the FT reported noting the comments are "likely to trigger alarm in Europe’s largest economy." News of the statement sent the EURUSD surging and the dollar tumbling to fresh 2 month lows.

U.S. Travel Ban Puts Saudi Arabia In An Awkward Position

U.S. Travel Ban Puts Saudi Arabia In An Awkward Position

In addition to creating mass chaos in America's airports and general confusion around the world, Trump's immigration ban is putting Saudi Arabia, a key ally in the middle-east, in a fairly awkward position.  Per the Wall Street Journal, Trump's immigration ban, which currently does not include Saudi Arabia, has put the country in the awkward position of having to manage a desire to pursue stronger ties with the U.S. at the risk of alienating key allies, like Yemen and Sudan, that will inevitably view such a move as abandoning Muslim neighbors.

White House Denies Authenticity Of Leaked Executive Order To Reopen CIA "Black Site" Prisons

Earlier today, the New York Times published a 3-page draft of an executive order, allegedly penned by the Trump administration, entitled "Detention and Interrogation of Enemy Combatants."  According to the NYT, which "obtained" the document from an anonymous source, the executive order seeks to, among other things, reopen overseas CIA "black site" prisons that Obama ordered closed in 2009. 
