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United Kingdom

UK Ambassador Craig Murray Asks If You Are Aware Of This Fact

UK Ambassador Craig Murray Asks If You Are Aware Of This Fact

“OPCW [Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons] inspectors have had full access to all known Russian chemical weapons facilities for over a decade – including those identified by the “Novichok” alleged whistleblower Mirzayanov – and last year OPCW inspectors completed the destruction of the last of 40,000 tonnes of Russian chemical weapons.”

Have you read this fact in the New York Times, Washington Post, or heard it on NPR, CNN, MSNBC, or from any of the presstitutes?

Killing Diplomacy — Dmitry Orlov

Dear Readers: Dmitry Orlov provides the best explanation of the latest allegation against Russia. His article is with his permission posted below.

Lies Can Lead To War

Lies Can Lead To War

Paul Craig Roberts

Notice that the governments of the US, UK, France, and Germany did not require any evidence to decide that the Russian government used military-grade nerve gas to attack two people on an English park bench and a UK policeman. It makes no sense. There is no Russian motive.

How Much Is UK “Justice” Being Paid By Washington To Continue Holding Assange Prisoner?

How Much Is UK “Justice” Being Paid By Washington To Continue Holding Assange Prisoner?

The Swedish Government has for a second time completely closed the false and concocted case against Assange, and the corrupt British will not withdraw their arrest warrant for his extradiction to Sweden, a country that has withdrawn its extradition request for him.

Makes one wonder how much money corrupt UK prosecutors and judges are being paid by the CIA.

Trump’s Foreign Policy Is In Service To Israel

Trump’s Foreign Policy Is In Service To Israel

Paul Craig Roberts

Peter Jenkins, a former British ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, expresses concerns about the decisions of France, Germany, and the UK to appease President Trump on fixing “flaws” in the Iranian nuclear agreement. It is worth a read to see that the European governments are still Washington’s toadies despite the “hate Trump” attitude that allegedly prevails among Washington’s European vassals.
