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WikiLeaks Wins Credibility Contest With CIA 83% to 17%

WikiLeaks Wins Credibility Contest With CIA 83% to 17%

In an op-ed for the Baltimore Sun, two former, high-ranking intelligence officials tore apart the Obama administration’s vocal and as-yet unproven claim that the Russians interfered with the U.S. election — and hacked systems of the Democratic establishment — to ensure a Donald Trump win.

War on thinking - CIA controls the markets, too

War on thinking - CIA controls the markets, too

There's been a lot of discussion lately on the 'internets' (The internet is a medium which was invented by Al Gore and named 'internets' by George Bush) about CIA mind control, and CIA propaganda techniques being heavily used in the campaign to deceive the public about Russian 'hacking' and to create false enemies like 'terrorists' such as the alleged mind controlled shooter (shooter admits he was 'mind controlled' by intelligence agency, eyewitness claims there were at least three other "sleepers," shooters, with high-powered rifles shooting into crowd » Intellihub):

US Tanks Arrive In Germany To Support NATO Anti-Russian Buildup

Hundreds of US tanks, trucks and other military equipment have arrived at the German port of Bremerhaven to be transferred to Eastern Europe as part of NATO’s buildup near Russia’s borders. The equipment arrived in Germany by ship  and will be transported by rail and road to eastern Europe as part of a NATO buildup that has exacerbated tensions with Moscow The equipment along with  3,500 US troops are to be deployed along NATO’s’s eastern frontier.

The Fourth-Generation War

Submitted by David Galland via,

For most people, the term “4GW” will conjure visions of a new and improved data service for their mobile devices. For members of the military and intelligence community, 4GW means something entirely different: Fourth-Generation Warfare, a form of warfare where the lines between civilians and combatants, political and military goals, and even the weapons to be used in fighting the war are blurred.

Smudged to the point where even identifying the warring parties is difficult.
