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Why Cheap Shale Gas Will End Soon

Why Cheap Shale Gas Will End Soon

Submitted by Arthur Berman via,

Enthusiasts believe that shale gas is simultaneously cheap, abundant and profitable thus defying all rules of business and economics. That is magical thinking.

The recently released EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2016 sparkles with pixie dust as it forecasts almost unlimited gas supply at low prices out to 2040 and beyond. Exuberant press reports herald a new era of LNG exports that will change the geopolitical balance of the world and make America great again.

Will The Fed Hike In June? It's All In The Hands Of China Now, Deutsche Bank Explains

Will The Fed Hike In June? It's All In The Hands Of China Now, Deutsche Bank Explains

Over the weekend, Deutsche Bank's chief credit strategist Dominic Konstam released a report in which as we documented, he explained his reasons why "the market is not ready for a June hike." This was his key point:

The operative question is whether markets are sufficiently calm for the Fed to use the June 2016 meeting to pave the way for a July hike.


Will Russia Succumb To Washington’s Economic Attack? — Paul Craig Roberts

Will Russia Succumb To Washington’s Economic Attack?

Paul Craig Roberts

Yesterday State Department deputy propaganda spokesperson Mark Toner reminded US companies that there are economic and reputational risks associated with doing business with Russia until Russia gives Crimea back to Washington’s puppet government in Kiev.

I see the matter differently from the US State Department.
