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U.S. government

The US Government Has Experimented With Controlling Hurricanes

The US Government Has Experimented With Controlling Hurricanes

Authored by Derrick Broze via,

The 2017 hurricane season has wrought more damage on the Caribbean and the Gulf Coast of the United States than any season in the last decade. Tropical Storm Harvey smashed into the Gulf, temporarily swallowing Houston and other low lying areas. Meanwhile, Hurricane Irma caused millions of dollars in damage to Florida, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean islands, leaving millions without power and water.

The Worst Mistake In US History

The Worst Mistake In US History

Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation,

The worst mistake in U.S. history was the conversion after World War II of the U.S. government from a constitutional, limited-government republic to a national-security state.

Nothing has done more to warp and distort the conscience, principles, and values of the American people, including those who serve in the U.S. military.

Hillary Almost Proposed "A Universal Basic Income" In 2016; Now The Idea Is Catching On Among Grassroots Democrats

Hillary Almost Proposed "A Universal Basic Income" In 2016; Now The Idea Is Catching On Among Grassroots Democrats

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Should you get free money from the U.S. government every month simply for being alive? 

That may sound like a crazy idea to many of us, but the truth is that this will likely be one of the biggest political issues in the 2020 presidential election.

Some Journalists are Just Arsonists Pointing Fingers

Some Journalists are Just Arsonists Pointing Fingers

Via The Daily Bell

Setting a fire is easier than putting one out.

And sometimes the people who fail to put out a fire are persecuted by the ones who don’t show up at all–or worse yet, fan the flames.

A recent Gizmodo article basically criticizes a volunteer fire department. No, not literally. This has nothing to do with actual fires of fire-fighters.

This has to do with an article called, “Some Crypto-Capitalists Just Want to See The World Burn.

Stocks Slide After Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Wall Funding, Killing NAFTA

Stocks Slide After Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Wall Funding, Killing NAFTA

Yesterday, when stocks surged at the market open following Politico's report that Trump is unexpectedly "making strides" on tax reform, we warned that "it can all be wiped away as soon as tonight, when Trump will deliver a speech to his "base", in which he may promptly burn any of the goodwill he created with capital markets following his far more conventional Afghanistan speech last night."Well, that's precisely what happened, because on Tuesday night, in another fiery campaign rally, Trump fiercely defended his response to violence in Charlottesville, made passing remarks from a
