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"Traders Got It Wrong Before The Election, And Continue To Get It Wrong Today"

In light of the only thing that matters for markets (that would be Donald Trump for those who have slept through the past three months), here are some salient thoughts from the latest weekend notes by One River Asset Management's Eric Peters, whose uncanny ability to put a unique spin on events in third person continues to impress.

If the Markets Are So Great, Why Are Finance Sites Struggling to Attract Readers?

If the Markets Are So Great, Why Are Finance Sites Struggling to Attract Readers?

As markets continue to break record highs, the echelon of premier finance sites in America continues to undergo deleterious drawdowns in their traffic. Anyone who operates a finance site knows that lack of volatility is the death knell for traffic. People aren't interested in reading about stocks, generally speaking, when markets are effervescently gliding towards new highs. They are, in fact, keenly interested in horrible news and/or rapidly declining equity prices.
