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California Earthquake Fears Rise As Sidewalks Open Up

Residents in California have reported that sidewalks are opening and lifting up from the ground, as the force that caused the recent earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan has now begun affecting California. Experts have warned that pressure from the Pacific Tectonic plate threatens to crush the west coast of America.  According to photographs submitted by a resident in Palm Springs, California is about to suffer a very large earthquake in the next few days. reports: These photos, posted by the homeowner who lives about ten minutes outside Palm Springs, CA, show what’s taking place. Before you say it, NO, there are no tree roots underneath.  This buckling took place since yesterday, April 20. The resident also says that when his son stood on the sidewalk to see if it would move back down, it would not. See?  Nothing underneath.  This sidewalk is being pushed up from the ends;  the ground at one end is moving toward the other end, buckling the sidewalk. The same tectonic plate which caused the tremendous earthquakes in Japan and later, in Ecuador last week, is now pushing against the west coast of the US.  It is crushing-into the ground in California.  As this movement continues, [...]