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US Government Planned Fake Hijacking Post-9/11 For Publicity

In his book ‘Relentless Strike’ author Sean Naylor claims that in the aftermath of 9/11, the US Government (specifically the Pentagon) was seriously considering staging the hijacking of an airline to trick the American public into feeling safer. Seriously. Some morons in the Pentagon thought staging an airplane hijacking would make us feel better. Who are these lunatics in power? Also, why is this common knowledge and OK to openly discuss, yet the mere suggestion that the US had anything at all to do with 9/11 is met with cruel and unusual anger/opposition/a fill-in-the-blank general bad reaction? Gawker reports: After the attacks, Naylor explains, the Pentagon and White House were both desperate for some sort of military action that they could put on television—a media spectacle that wouldn’t top the collapsing World Trade Center, but would at least show that the U.S. was also capable of drawing blood. This meant dropping paratroopers in the middle of the desert with nothing to do, and destroying empty buildings, but Bush, Rumsfeld and the rest of the gang wanted something grander.   Naylor’s sources are anonymous (mostly former military officers and operators), but as a longtime Army Times reporter and co-author of a mammoth New York Times piece [...]