WW3: Russian Tanks Roll Into Ukraine

Vladimir Putin has deployed 32 Russian tanks in northern Crimea this week, in a buildup that suggests a war between the two countries is about to break out. Russia has closed its checkpoints along the Crimean border with Ukraine citing fears that the former Soviet state are planning to attack Russia. NATO have condemned Russian “aggression”, saying the convoy of 32 tanks, 16 howitzer cannons and 30 trucks of troops and equipment could spark a World War 3 scenario with its neighbour.

Pentagon Refuses To Disclose How Many U.S. Troops Are Fighting ISIS

Pentagon Refuses To Disclose How Many U.S. Troops Are Fighting ISIS

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

The United States will deploy dozens of special operations forces to northern Syria to advise opposition forces in their fight against Islamic State, a major policy shift for President Barack Obama and a step he has long resisted to avoid getting dragged into another war in the Middle East.


Obama Administration Set To ‘Oversee’ U.S. Elections

President Barack Obama is considering plans to allow his administration to take full administrative control over the upcoming presidential elections, citing ‘security concerns’ as justification.  As various news articles report on the alleged danger to American elections from Russian hackers, there is pressure on the government to allow a federal agency to protect the elections from these hackers.

Justice Department Prevented FBI Probe Of Clinton Foundation; Reporters Slam State Department Stonewalling

Justice Department Prevented FBI Probe Of Clinton Foundation; Reporters Slam State Department Stonewalling

For an increasingly vocal group in this country - that sees 'the establishment' for what it is - it may not come as a total shock that CNN is reporting that The (Clinton-appointee-Loretta-Lynch-run) Department of Justice has "pushed back" against The FBI's desires to begin a probe to investigate whether there was a criminal conflict of interest with the State Department and the Clinton Foundation during Clinton's tenure.

One Simple Reason Why Gold Can Still Jump 50%

Submitted by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,

Heike Hoffman is a 54-year old fruit merchant in a small town in western Germany.


She has no formal training in finance. She’s not running a multi-billion dollar portfolio.


And yet, as the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, “[w]hen Ms. Hoffman heard the ECB was knocking rates below zero in June 2014, she considered it ‘madness’ and promptly cut her spending, set aside more money, and bought gold.”
