Why One Congressman Voted "NO" On The Massive, Wasteful Omnibus Bill

Paul Anthony Gosar is an American Republican politician and member of the United States House of Representatives from Arizona since 2011, representing Arizona's 4th congressional district.

Yesterday, Gosar took to his Facebook page to expose the reality of the massive Omnibus Spending Bill... and who is to blame... Why I Am Voting NO on the Massive Omnibus Spending Bill:

The Fed Rate Hike Will Trigger a $9 Trillion Meltdown

Yesterday, the Fed has hiked interest rates from 0.25% to 0.5%.


It is the first rate hike in 10 years. And it is now clear that the Fed is not only behind the ball in terms of raising rates… but that it has now primed the financial system for another 2008-type meltdown.


By way of background we need to consider the relationship between the US Dollar and the Euro.


"In Short Janet, It's Too Late" - Albert Edwards Calls It With These Seven Charts

In the aftermath of the Fed's first rate hike, SocGen's famous skeptic and "Ice Age" deflationista, Albert Edwards, who formerly called Alan Greenspan an "economic war criminal", unloads on Yellen and says that not only is the Fed's hike too late, but that the "Yellen Fed will soon be treated with the same contempt the Greenspan Fed was in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis."

November Unemployment Hits Seven Year High In Brazil As Supreme Court Mulls Impeachment Bid

"They will not achieve anything by attacking my record, which is known; I love my country and I'm honest. I will fight against the illegitimate interruption of my mandate using all the tools that the rule of law gives me,” embattled President Dilma Rousseff told a gathering of youth groups late Wednesday in Brasilia. 

One of those “tools” was the Supreme Court and more specifically Judge Luiz Fachin who Rousseff appointed last June.
