The Fed's Painted Itself Into The Most Dangerous Corner In History - Why There Will Soon Be A Riot In The Casino

The Fed's Painted Itself Into The Most Dangerous Corner In History - Why There Will Soon Be A Riot In The Casino

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

The chart below crystalizes why the Fed is stranded in a monetary no man’s land. By the time of next week’s meeting the federal funds rate will have been pinned at about 10 bps, or effectively zero, for 84 straight months.

"Let's Just Hope Shipping Isn't Telling the Real Story of China"

One of the recurring topics we have focused on extensively in the past few months has been the dramatic collapse of all shipping-related metrics when it comes to seaborne trade with China, from the recent record plunge in the Baltic Dry index...


... to Shanghai Containerized Freight...


... both of which are taking place even as China exports record amount of commodities to the outside world...


Czech President: Turkey “Behaves As If [It’s] An Ally of the Islamic State; Removes Oil ... Which Finances [ISIS]]

Czech President Milos Zeman said yesterday (English translation):

I think [Turkey] is indeed a member of NATO, but sometimes behaves as if more was an ally of the Islamic Republic: removes oil from the Syrian sites, which finances the Islamic state.




They do not like the Kurds, which are the only ones who fought effectively with the Islamic state. That is why Turkey [should be viewed] with caution and why it should not be an EU member.

He is one hundred percent right …
