Spanish Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Senior Israeli Officials

Spanish Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Senior Israeli Officials

Now if they would do the same for Bush, Cheney, Condi Rice, Obama, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Nuland . . .

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Food For Thought: The Found Passport

Food For Thought: The Found Passport

The “found passport” worked for them for 9/11. It worked again for Charlie Hebdo. So now they have used it a third time. They know that Americans are total dumbshits and can be told anything. No matter how preposterous, the dumbshits will believe it. But Americans are not capable of believing truth. They have been brainwashed that truth is “conspiracy theory.” A population this stupid has no future.

Profile of a False Flag by Stephen Lendman

In the article below Stephen Lendman shows that the Paris attacks have the signature of a false flag attack. Another reason for the attack could be to force US and NATO involvement upon the Russian action against ISIL in order to crowd out Russia and overthrow Assad under the pretext of punishing ISIL for the Paris attacks.

Profile of a False Flag

by Stephen Lendman

Evidence known so far strongly indicates false flag responsibility for Friday’s Paris attacks. They’re usually identifiable the way fingerprints ID people.

French Security Left Blind During Paris Attacks

French Security Left Blind During Paris Attacks

Paul Craig Roberts

I have received a report from European security that there was a massive cyber attack on French systems 48 hours prior to and during the Paris attacks. Among other things, the attack took down the French mobile data network and blinded police surveillance The attack was not a straightforward DDOS attack but a sophisticated attack that targeted a weakness in infrastructure hardware.
