Same Potties, Different Worlds

A Quartz dispatch from the front lines of the bathroom wars:

For the tens of thousands of refugee women trapped in Greece, daily life is made that much more treacherous by a very basic problem: unsafe bathrooms.

Refugee camps tend to have too few bathrooms, which are often mixed and unprotected, making them hotspots for sexual attacks on women and girls. While there are no hard statistics, reported cases include German guards at a reception center peeping at women in the bathrooms and attempted rapes at bathrooms along the refugee trail.

Bombshell Government Study Confirms Cellphone-Cancer Link

One of the biggest ever studies on cellphone radiation has conclusively found that mobile phones do cause cancer, ending the long-running debate on the dangers of cellphones.  The peer-reviewed study, by the National Toxicology Program, found that rats who were exposed to cellphone frequencies got two types of brain tumors as a result. Partial findings from the study, released on Thursday, warned that the results will likely have a huge effect on public health.
