Australia Stops "Cooking" Its Jobs Report And The Result Is A Disaster: Full-Time Jobs Plunge Most Since 2013

Australia Stops "Cooking" Its Jobs Report And The Result Is A Disaster: Full-Time Jobs Plunge Most Since 2013

One week ago, we were delighted to report that Australia admitted that its glorious, 6 and 8-sigma outlier job numbers from October and November, were nothing but a "technical issue" glitch, in other words, one big political lie.


Specifically it was Treasury Secretary John Fraser, who admitted during testimony to parliamentary committee that jobs growth for the two months in question "may be overstated."  What's the reason? The same one the propaganda bureau always uses when its lies are exposed: "technical issues", 

Housing 'Recovery' Hope Humbled As Billings & Purchases Plunge

Housing 'Recovery' Hope Humbled As Billings & Purchases Plunge

Following this morning's weak Starts and Permits data, even homebuilders are starting to lose faith in the recovery meme but there is a long way to go before that is priced in. Perhaps the follwoing two data points will help to wake up the rest of the investing public that all is not as well as hoped. For the 3rd week in a row mortgage applications for purchases slid (reflecting the 'now')...


"Bigger Than Watergate" - Hillary Clinton And The Syrian Bloodbath

While we would be the first to admit that we disagree with Jeffrey Sachs on virtually every other issue, on the topic of Hillary Clinton, the ongoing Syria bloodbath which has come to define the geopolitical situation for the past 3 years, and how this is an event that would  "surely rival Watergate in shaking the foundations of the US establishment" if the truth were fully known, we agree 100 percent. 

Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath, by Jeffrey Sachs, originally posted on HuffPo

RAF Typhoons Intercept Two Russian Bombers Heading For UK

RAF Typhoon jets were scrambled on Wednesday to intercept two Russian Tu-160 Blackjack bombers heading towards UK airspace. The Telegraph reports: The Typhoon jets were dispatched from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire on Wednesday afternoon following the security alert. An RAF spokesman said the situation was “on-going” and was not uncommon. He said: “We have Typhoons up on a quick reaction alert. The situation is on-going.” It is believed the aircraft are with the Long Range Aviation branch of the Russian military. They have never penetrated UK airspace.

Japanese Trade Data Collapses, Crushes "Devalue Our Way To Prosperity" Dreams

Japanese Trade Data Collapses, Crushes "Devalue Our Way To Prosperity" Dreams

Seriously - how many more times can a central bankers' policies be exposed for the total sham that they are?

“The turmoil in global markets is making companies cautious about spending and also weakening global demand. That will be negative to Japanese exports,” Hiroaki Muto, chief economist at Tokai Tokyo Research Center in Tokyo, said before the trade report was released.

