North Korea Confirm Successful H-Bomb Test Causing 5.1 Earthquake

Kim Jong-un has announced that North Korea has “successfully” tested a hydrogen bomb (H-bomb) as a magnitude 5.1 earthquake was measured near the site of a nuclear weapons unit on Tuesday night.  The South Korean weather agency said the tremor, felt 12 miles ENE of Sungjibaegam, was “artificial” – suggesting that North Korea’s claims of creating a nuclear blast are true.

Pope Warns “End Of Days Begin Now” As Iran-Saudi Crisis Develops

Pope Francis has warned that the “end of days begin now” and that the crisis involving Iran and Saudi Arabia represents a “tribulation on a timeline” that will “climax in the end of the world.” Addressing crowds gathered in St Peter’s Square in the Vatican for the celebration of Epiphany, the Pope took the opportunity to warn followers that the Middle East crisis will lead directly to the fulfilment of various Bible prophecies.

German Mayor: Women Must Adopt ‘Code Of Conduct’ To Avoid Rape

The Mayor of Cologne, Germany, has said that women must adopt a “code of conduct” if they do not wish to be raped in a crisis meeting following the mass-rape of women by 1,000 men on New Year’s eve.  Mayor Herniette Reker’s shocking remarks were made during a meeting with Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers and Wolfgang Wurm. During the meeting they discussed how Germany should deal with the attacks, in which dozens of women were repeatedly raped in the town center.
