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U.S. Launch Military Offensive Against Turkey For Killing 12 Marines

A Ministry of Defence report says that the U.S. was granted permission by the Russian Aerospace Forces (AF) to fly over the Syrian city of Aleppo in order to completely obliterate 7 command and control centers operated by Turkish intelligence.  The reason for the attack is due to the Turkish air force downing 2 US Marine helicopters, killing all 12 soldiers aboard, on the 14th January.

Saudi Arabia Makes "Final" Decision To Send Troops To Syria As US, Russia Spar Over Aleppo Strikes

As you might have heard, the opposition in Syria is in serious trouble.

Last summer, Bashar al-Assad’s army was on the ropes, as the SAA fought a multi-front war against a dizzying array of rebel forces including ISIS. Then Quds commander Qassem Soleimani went to Russia. After that, everything changed.
