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The 'Unknown Unknowns' That Threaten U.S. Shale

The 'Unknown Unknowns' That Threaten U.S. Shale

Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,

Three years after the oil price crash, the U.S. shale patch is on its second growth phase and is expected to continue to increase its production, at least through the next five years.

The global oil markets have become increasingly dependent on U.S. tight oil supply - and the oil industry is still coming to grips with this new reality, Simon Flowers, Chairman and Chief Analyst at Wood Mackenzie, wrote in a recent article.

All Of A Sudden, Fascists Are Everywhere In Italy

All Of A Sudden, Fascists Are Everywhere In Italy


Headlines were made in Italy a few days ago when a “casual, unidentified photographer” happened to walk in the streets of Florence and had the uncanny ability of taking a snapshot of an inside wall of the Carabinieri barracks that are literally steps away from the city center.

The flag was not hanging outside a window, as it was inside the private dormitory of military personnel, but it could be partially visible from the outside as the window was open.

Jim Grant: "Markets Trust Too Much In The Presence Of Central Banks"

Jim Grant: "Markets Trust Too Much In The Presence Of Central Banks"

Authored by Christoph Gisiger via Finanz und Wirtschaft,

James Grant, Wall Street expert and editor of the renowned investment newsletter «Grant’s Interest Rate Observer», warns of the unseen consequences of super low interest rate and questions the extraordinary actions of the Swiss National Bank.

Nearly ten years after the financial crisis, extraordinary monetary policy has become the norm.

