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Ebola Spreading: Infections Up 800% In Last Week, Officials Race To Track Down 400 Possible Contacts

Ebola Spreading: Infections Up 800% In Last Week, Officials Race To Track Down 400 Possible Contacts

Authored by Mac Slavco via,

Last week three suspected Ebola infections were detected in a remote region of the Congo. Since then, World Health Organization officials have been scrambling to contain the virus.

Their efforts appear to have failed.

The contagion continues to spread, and though it’s nowhere near the 11,000 people who were infected during the outbreak in 2014, the infection rate has spiked over 800% in just the last seven days, with at least nine new cases reported in the last 24 hours:

Will The $40 Billion Saudi Infrastructure Gift Influence Trump?

Will The $40 Billion Saudi Infrastructure Gift Influence Trump?

Authored by Zainab Calcuttawala via,

It’s “Infrastructure Week” in Washington, and foreign powers are taking note.

Ahead of President Donald Trump’s upcoming visit to the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has promised to make $40 billion of its sovereign wealth fund available to the United States to bankroll part of the roughly $1 trillion in infrastructure improvements that Trump promised on the campaign trail.

The Math Behind OPEC's Revised Production Cut Still Does Not Work

The Math Behind OPEC's Revised Production Cut Still Does Not Work

"Whatever it takes."

Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih and Russia's Energy Minister Alexander Novak

That's what Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih and his Russian counterpart Alexander Novak said in a statement overnight in Beijing they would do to reduce the global oil inventory overhang, using the immortal phrase coined by ECB's Mario Draghi five years ago in his successful bid to defend the euro. For OPEC, however, "whatever it takes" may not be enough.
