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Frontrunning: April 25

  • Obama sending more forces to Syria to consolidate gains against Islamic State (Reuters)
  • Global stocks, dollar stumble ahead of Fed, BOJ meetings (Reuters)
  • The Rise and Deadly Fall of Islamic State’s Oil Tycoon (WSJ)
  • Oil Producers Lock In Once-Snubbed Prices (WSJ)
  • Yellen's Scope for Summer Rate Hike Widens as ECB Signals a Hold (BBG)
  • 11,000 jobs at risk as BHS teeters on brink (The Times)
  • China's Xi Shakes Up Rival Power Base Before Party Reshuffle (BBG)
  • As Bond Yields Rise, Some Investors Fear Another False Dawn (WSJ)

Washington Is Forcing Its European Vassals To Accept 2nd Wave of Immigrants

Washington Is Forcing Its European Vassals To Accept 2nd Wave of Immigrants

The Obama Regime forced the EU to accept millions of refugees from Washington’s failed wars in the Middle East and Africa. Now the Obama Regime is forcing the EU to accept millions of refugees from its failed policy in Ukraine. Europe as we once knew it no longer exists. Washington has thrown the European peoples into the trash bin of history.

Frontrunning: April 21

  • World stocks gain along with oil, clock ticks down to ECB (Reuters)
  • Draghi Expected to Defend ECB in Face of German Criticism (WSJ)
  • Trump, Cruz, Kasich seek to win over Republican leaders at party meeting (Reuters)
  • Donald Trump Plans to Adopt More-Traditional Campaign Tactics (WSJ)
  • Japan, Not Germany, Leads World in Negative-Yield Bonds (BBG)
  • Obama starts talks with Gulf leaders aimed at easing strains (Reuters)
  • Soros: China Looks Like the US Before the Crisis (BBG)
