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Government Hackers, Inc.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) court battle with Apple over the security system in place on iPhones appears to be over. But some experts in the communications security community are expressing concern because of the Bureau’s unwillingness to reveal what exactly occurred to end the standoff.

Year Of The Outsider: Why Bernie Sanders' Democratic Rebellion Is So Significant

Authored by Thomas Palley,

2016 was supposed to have been the year of Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton: the year when the established Bush dynasty confronted the upstart rival Clinton Dynasty. But the year of the insider has turned into the year of the outsider. On both sides, voters have unexpectedly given vent to thirty years of accumulated anger with neoliberalism which has downsized their incomes and hopes.

Sarah Palin Shares Photo Of Dead Pig Before Trump Rally

Former Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, shared a photo of her trophy pig with her fans before the polls opened in Wisconsin. The photo of a dead pig was put on Facebook so that Palin’s fans would go and vote for Donald Trump, a commonsense conservative, who is going to make America great again. The spirit of the wild boar might direct the Republicans towards the White House or the dustbin of history depending on Sarah Palin’s state of mind when she shot the animal. The boar represented all sentient beings, including humans, according to ancient beliefs.
