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On The Impossibility Of A Soft Landing

On The Impossibility Of A Soft Landing

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

While the robo-traders play tag with the chart points, it is worth considering how it will all end. After all, at today’s close the broad market (S&P 500) was valued at 24.3X LTM earnings per share. That is, valuations are in the nosebleed section of history, but financial history has tumbled into the sub-basement of future possibilities.

In "Unprecedented Snub", Saudi Arabia Demands "Recalibration Of Relationship" With U.S.

In "Unprecedented Snub", Saudi Arabia Demands "Recalibration Of Relationship" With U.S.

As Obama concludes his fourth and supposedly final meeting to Saudi Arabia as U.S. president, the White House was quick to explain where relations with the Saudi Kingdom lay, and as CNN reported this morning, moved to tamp down suggestions that ties with Saudi Arabia are fraying, with administration officials saying that President Barack Obama "really cleared the air" with King Salman at a meeting Wednesday.
