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What Trump Has Wrought

As Wisconsinites head for the polls, our Beltway elites are almost giddy. For they foresee a Badger State bashing for Donald Trump, breaking his momentum toward the Republican nomination.

Should the Donald fall short of the delegates needed to win on the first ballot, 1,237, there is growing certitude that he will be stopped. First by Ted Cruz; then, perhaps, by someone acceptable to the establishment, which always likes to have two of its own in the race.

CNBC's Steve Liesman Makes A "Discovery": Americans Are Increasingly Angry And They Want Trump

CNBC's Steve Liesman Makes A "Discovery": Americans Are Increasingly Angry And They Want Trump

Earlier today, CNBC's Steve Liesman made two very important, in fact "critical", if about one year overdue, discoveries.

The first one was that Americans are angry.

According to the CNBC All-America Survey, a majority of Americans are angry about both the political and the economic system. 

Russian Intelligence: CIA is a Branch of Wall Street

A Wall Street worker currently on trial on suspicion of spying for Russia says that the CIA and other spy agencies in the U.S. routinely work through Wall Street in order to collect various pieces of economic information against other countries.  Eugene Buryakov, a former employee of Vnesheconombank, worked for Russian intelligence undercover at the bank and has not denied his guilt. Fort Russ reports: Usually our spies never admitted guilt, this is something different. As far as I understand our authorities continue to deny as they always do.

Was There A Run On The Bank? JPM Caps Some ATM Withdrawals

Was There A Run On The Bank? JPM Caps Some ATM Withdrawals

Under the auspices of "protecting clients from criminal activity," JPMorgan Chase has decided to impose capital controls on . As WSJ reports, following the bank's ATM modification to enable $100-bills to be dispensed with no limit, some customers started pulling out tens of thousands of dollars at a time. This apparent bank run has prompted Jamie Dimon to cap ATM withdrawals at $1,000 per card daily for non-customers.

Kunstler: Donald Trump - The Ironic Antidote To The Pandemic Of Lying In America?

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

“He says what he really thinks.” That is the standard explanation for the astounding political rise of Donald J. Trump. Somehow the news media have missed the meaning of this: that the rest of political America refuses to say what it really thinks. Why is that and how can it be?
