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Is ISIS Faithful To Islam?

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

“We are not at war with Islam,” said John Kasich after the Brussels massacre, “We’re at war with radical Islam.”

Kasich’s point raises a question: Does the Islamic faith in any way sanction or condone what those suicide bombers did?

For surely the brothers and their accomplice who ignited the bombs in the airport and set off the explosion on the subway did not do so believing they were blasting themselves to hell for all eternity.

GMO Maggot Therapy To Be Introduced In Hospitals To Treat Wounds

Hospitals in America may soon see a reintroduction of an ancient form of therapy with a modern twist. Researchers have discovered that GMO maggot therapy is more effective than modern medicine at repairing wounds in humans. Researchers at the North Carolina State University and Massey University in New Zealand say that the genetically engineered maggots promote cell growth and clean stubborn wounds. reports: This is done using a human growth factor, which the maggots secrete while removing dead tissue.

Who's Anti-American?

Who's Anti-American?

Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by Acting-Man/com's Pater Tenebrarum),

Who’s Anti-American?

Maryland!The Old Line bugle, fife, and drum,Maryland!She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb.Huzza! She spurns the Northern scum!She breathes! She burns! She’ll come! She’ll come!Maryland! My Maryland!

– Maryland’s State Song



Guilty as Charged

What If Diversity Is Our Weakness?

A reader left this comment on the “What’s The Matter With Utah?” thread. I think it’s really thought-provoking and challenging, but he posted it under his real name, and I’m worried that if I approve it, it will set him up to be attacked. Reader, if you are sure that you want me to approve it, let me know and I will. But I want to throw the comment out there for discussion, because the issues the reader brings up are real, and difficult:
