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Trump "Would Be Impeached" Over China, Mexico Tariffs, Chamber Of Commerce CEO Says

Donald Trump is going to make America great again. But you already knew that.

The question many voters have, is how exactly he plans to do it. The frontrunner has thrown some rather vague ideas out there, some of which focus on trade. Everyone has by now heard the “Trump stump”: “We don’t win anymore. We’re getting killed on trade. We make terrible deals. We’re losing to China.”

Obama Administration Sets Record In Lack Of Transparency: Denies Information In 77% Of FOIA Requests

Submitted by Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg

Least transparent administration ever. The Associated Press reports:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration set a record for the number of times its federal employees told disappointed citizens, journalists and others that despite searching they couldn’t find a single page requested under the Freedom of Information Act, according to a new Associated Press analysis of government data.


The Lego Movie Economy

The Lego Movie Economy

Submitted by Roger Barris of Economic Man, by way of Acting-Man

A Lack of “V”

After the February jobs report, President Obama said “America’s pretty darn great right now.”  He then went on to disparage the “doomsday rhetoric” of the Republicans, which he said was pure “fantasy.

Bernie Sanders Turns Down Invitation To Address AIPAC Conference

America’s most influential pro-Israel lobby group, AIPAC is hosting its annual policy conference in Washington next week. All the presidential candidates were invited and all will be attending, except for one: Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, who also happens to be the only Jewish candidate ever to win a presidential primary. Mr Sanders said he would be unable to attend because of his campaign schedule. “I would very much have enjoyed speaking at the AIPAC conference,” Sanders said in a letter released to AIPAC’s President Robert Cohen on Friday.
