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Meet Two Of The Men Who Will Determine Whether Trump Becomes President

Meet Two Of The Men Who Will Determine Whether Trump Becomes President

One of the things that seems to have never sunk in for Donald Trump’s GOP rivals (or at least until they were either sitting back at home on the couch reflecting on why they were beaten so badly or else talking sheepishly to reporters on Capitol Hill about their plans to retire from politics after being trounced in their home state) is that he feeds off of controversy and publicity. The more you talk about him - good or bad - the larger he looms in voters’ minds.

"Only Bad Choices" Left For GOP: Trump, Supreme Court Put Party In Turmoil

"Only Bad Choices" Left For GOP: Trump, Supreme Court Put Party In Turmoil

“Man, you guys cannot stop talking about him. He is a dangerous presence and, you know, it’s just like candy by the bushel.”

That’s what Hillary Clinton - who possibly didn’t know her mic was live - told MSNBC last Monday night. The former First Lady was of course talking about Donald Trump, and the media’s interest is a byproduct of the public’s fascination.

NIRP Has "Spectacularly Back-Fired": One Trader Outlines Japan's Grim Prospects

NIRP Has "Spectacularly Back-Fired": One Trader Outlines Japan's Grim Prospects

It's all starting to fall apart for Japan, whose "lost decade" now appears as though it may turn into a "lost forever" and that's if QQE doesn't dead end in "failed state" status in 2018. 

A rebound in inflation is nowhere in sight (even when Japan attempts to game the numbers by removing components where prices are declining) and as we saw last month, the "devalue our way to prosperity" idea isn't working out so well as trade is collapsing in the face of the global currency wars. Wage growth is of course a complete joke as we've outlined on too many occasions to count.

John McCain Warns That Brexit Will ‘Strengthen’ Putin’s Hand

John McCain has become the latest critic from the US to intervene in the Brexit debate Wading into the EU referendum debate on Friday, the republican senator, who is no fan of Vladimir Putin, warned that if Britain should exit the EU it would leave Europe, America and the wider world at the mercy of Russian President. Important intervention by @SenJohnMcCain – UK membership of EU vital for security & prosperity of both Europe & U.S.
