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JPM's Head Quant Explains Who Unleashed The S&P Rally, And What May Happen Next

JPM's Head Quant Explains Who Unleashed The S&P Rally, And What May Happen Next

Yesterday, when reading the latest note by JPM's "Gandalf" head quant Marko Kolanovic, we noted something strange: for the first time we observed a JPM quant not only commenting on such sensitive topics as social fairness, but daring to challenge the oligarch orthodoxy implying that Buffett is wrong that "the babies being born in America today are the luckiest crop in history."

This is what he said:

Is This The End Of CNBC As We Know It?

One of the core aspects of mainstream financial media in general, and outlets like CNBC in particular, more so even than their chronic permabullish bias, is the seemingly endless gallery of "experts", "pundits", and other talking heads whose only requirement is wearing a business suit (in some very notable exemptions) who show up on TV, offer trade advice and recommendations - while either pitching their own trading services or hoping to offload their own existing positions  - and if (or rather when) said advice leads to material losses are not heard from again until a certain period of tim

"Lesbians" vs "Step Sisters" - Most Popular Porn Searches Reveal A Surprising Pattern

"Lesbians" vs "Step Sisters" - Most Popular Porn Searches Reveal A Surprising Pattern

In a nation as 'distracted' as America where virtual relationships seem more popular than real ones, it appears different states 'attention' is drawn to very different methods of entertainment.

In 30 states in the West, Midwest and East, "lesbian" was on top as the most commonly searched term. And the term was most popular in California where there were 187,000 searches for the word in January.

