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Obama Was Ordered By Top US General Not To Attend Scalia’s Funeral

An MoD report says that America’s top military leader ordered President Obama to avoid attending the funeral of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia last week following an admission that Scalia was murdered.  U.S. General Joseph Dunford ordered the President to steer clear of the funeral following a conversation he had with Russian Colonel General Bondarev in which he was asked why Obama had attended a secret meeting with Scalia shortly before his death and why no autopsy had been conducted.

Russia Want To Fly A Surveillance Plane Over America

Russia have requested permission from the U.S. to fly a surveillance planed equipped with an electro-optical imaging sensor over America.  American officials have objected to the request but may have to grant permission nonetheless due to the Open Skies Treaty that both Russia and US signed – an agreement that allows for unarmed observation flights over 34 member nations. reports: The treaty was originally designed to increase the military transparency of member nations.
